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Does your heart beat out of curiosity for the world around us, just like mine?

You have an aching desire for touching the depths of humankind.

A yearning to connect with your neighbors across the globe.

You’ve had an experience abroad and you’re craving a more meaningful connection in a global community.

Maybe you’ve never left your home country but are constantly marveling at the vastness of the world outside of your zip code.



I firmly beleive that authentic engagement, cultural education, and intentional immersion within local communities abroad can provide a lasting impact in so many ways.


As an International Education Professional, Travel Photographer, & Poet

I help people enrich their lives abroad, elevate cultural understanding, and communicate successfully across differences.


How did I end up here?


Growing up, the globe itself was too big to wrap my mind around, all while my direct world was extraordinarily small. A suburban and homogenous atmosphere shaped my oblivious privilege as a child. Despite my narrowed vision, there was always a quiet alarm going off in the back of my head telling me there had to be more.

The end of my Business Administration studies at Gonzaga University had me staring straight into a fork in the road. To the left was an entry-level corporate job in my field of study. To the right was everything society urged me not to go down. A gravel road ridden with fog towards a non-traditional career and no structural ladder to climb.

I chose right.

And I’ve continued to choose right along the way.

The path to the right took me to a year of full-time service work with Jesuit Volunteer Corps, two years teaching English in China, creating volunteer programs abroad, frolicking with my DSLR through global historic and mountainous sites, and experiencing numerous vibrant cultural exchanges.

This path continues to lead me to spaces a younger version of myself couldn’t have imagined. One that has cultivated a deep love of cross-cultural communication and connectedness through means larger than same-language dialogue. One frosted in empathy, compassion, justice, and recognition of a shared human existence.

As an international education enthusiast, human being, and your fellow nomadic neighbor, I am committed to veering right, a road of taking risks for the sake of encouraging connectedness in this diverse and magical world.

Come with me on my mission towards building bridges, expanding perspectives, and leaving the world just a little bit better than we found it.


Unmatched professional experience in international education, volunteer management, storytelling, and government relations has opened my eyes and heart to the transformative power of radical empathy, story-telling, and effective cross-cultural collaboration.

For the past five years I’ve:

  • Taught ESOL in both the U.S. and China

  • Created Social Responsibility programs abroad

  • Initiated pilot DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging) programs

  • Interviewed over 400 international teachers

Personality Profiles



Type 7w8

Strengths Finder

Woo, Empathy, Adaptability, Communication, & Connectedness

Myers Briggs